
(Common Question)

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  1. No pupil will be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.
  2. Students from U.P. Board seeking admission for classes VI and above must have their Transfer Certificates, countersigned by education authorities.
  3. The Transfer Certificate of a pupil coming from outside Uttar Pradesh must be countersigned by proper authorities irrespective of the class into which admission is sought.
  4. A pupil seeking admission must produce his Date of Birth Certificate issued by the municipal authorities along with his Transfer Certificate.
  5. Admission is given on the basis of Entrance Test and on the availability of seats.
  6. Irrespective of the time of admission, fee will be charged from the beginning of the academic session.
  7.  No pupil will be admitted in any class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him to be qualified, nor will he be granted out of turn promotions.

Students are ambassadors of ARYAVEDANT

  1.  Students must wear the School Uniform and be neatly dressed on each single day
  2. They must be punctual, courteous, helpful and disciplined in and outside School.
  3. Students should carry their ALMANAC to the school every day with his/her photograph duly pasted and the student person record should be signed by the parents.
  4. They should show respect for school property and take care not to damage it in anyway. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the school authorities.
  5. Students are encouraged to speak in English while in the school Campus & in the Bus.
  6. Nail polish, expensive jewelry, mehndi, tattoos and fancy bands are not permitted in School.
  7. No bullying, beating or using abusive language of any sort will be tolerated.
  8. Tablets or other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed in School. (Unless specifically required by Teachers for presentations etc, for which prior written permission of the Teacher concerned is required.)
  9. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during School hours without an Out pass signed by the Class Teacher/Vice Principal.
  10. No books (other than textbook or library books), magazines or papers should be brought to school.
  11. Students should treat the Teacher and the non-teaching staff with respect.
  12. Students must obey the school rules. Disciplinary action will be taken for any objectionable conduct in and outside school.
  13. Office bearers (council members/house appointments/monitor) will wear their respected badges daily.
  14. No students will be allowed to leave the school premises within school hours and on test/exam days. In case of absence on any ground retest will not be conducted.
    1. The Parents are expected to support the Principal, Teachers and administrative staff for the decisions taken by them in the best interests of their Child. Must ensure that your child comes to school on time and is smartly dressed in proper school uniform.
    2. Maintain an atmosphere at home in which your Child can do quality Home Study and complete School assignments etc.
    3. Private tuitions are discouraged by the school. No Student will take coaching from the Teachers of AVPS.
    4. Pay the School Fees before the due date in order to avoid fines and the inconvenience caused both for you and us.
    5. Suggestions/Complaints, if any can be made to the principal on all working Saturdays during School hours with prior appointment from the School Reception.
    6. A special meeting with a teacher can only be arranged with prior intimation and permission from the reception.
    7. Absence for six consecutive days without an application renders a student’s liable to having his name struck off the rolls without any notice. Re-admission may be granted after payment of fresh admission fees on the direction of the principal.
    8. Please attend all PTMs as well as the other School Functions regularly and punctually.
    9. The school reserves the right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against the student whose conduct is harmful to other students.
    10. Parents are expected to have courteous and supportive behaviour towards School.
    11. Once a child has come to school, he/she should not be asked to go on half day or to take leave from any period, unless there is an emergency and only authorized person will be allowed to take the child home.
    12. The lunchbox should be sent with the students.
NOTE: In order to allow the school to run in a disciplined manner, ask your child to be energetic, dynamic and well dressed. In case your child is not able to come to School for any reason do not forget to put a message via Email or ERP.
  1. Be punctual and regular.
  2. Converse in English all the times.
  3. Keep your classroom neat and clean.
  4. Maintain discipline all the time and don’t move out of the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
  5. Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently.
  6. Eat your tiffin in the classroom during lunch break. A napkin, table mat, spoon/fork should be brought daily.
  7. Refrain from indiscipline in the corridors or classrooms.
  8. Contribute to the soft board and class displays.
  9. Bring books and notebooks according to the timetable.
  10. All notebooks and books should be neatly labelled and covered. Only prescribed notebooks to be used.
  11. Notebook work should be neat. Only HB pencils/gel pens/ink pens to be used. Whiteners and mechanical pencils are not permitted.
  12. Handouts to be pasted in the notebooks, as instructed.
  13. Make sure to complete the work missed due to absence.
  1.  Maintain absolute silence in the library. Every student must read books from the library.
  2. Every student will have one non-transferable library card. Books are issued and collected back during the library periods only. A book is issued for one week and may be reissued for another week only.
  3.  A duplicate library card will cost Rs. 25/-.
  4. Every student should return the card before the academic year ends.
  5. The loss or damage to the books will incur a fine amounting to the double cost of the book.
  6. Every student is expected to follow strictly the guidelines given by the Librarian.
  • The school fees is payable Quarterly in Advance. No Monthly fees will be acceptable.
  • Last day of Fee Submission for any Quarter is 10th of the first month of that Quarter i.e., 10th April/July/October/January
  • Rs. 50 per day will be imposed on any late fee payment after due date.
  • The fine will not be waived off in any case.
  • The only mode of Payment is the ONLINE.
  • The cheque should be payable in the name of ARYAVEDANT PUBLIC SCHOOL AGRA. It should be dropped in the Cheque Box placed at the reception. Complete details of the Child must be written clearly at the back of the cheque.
  • All dues should be cleared before the commencement of each examination or else the student will not be allowed to sit for the examination.
  1. The application for Transfer Certificate should be made in writing by the parent or guardian along with a fee of Rs. 100/-; the same will be issued only after three days from date of the receipt of the application.
  2. A month’s notice in writing is required before a student can be withdrawn.
  3. No certificates will be issued if there are any dues pending.
  4.  Any request for counter signature should be made at the time of withdrawal; no such request will be catered to after one month of the issue of the Transfer Certificate.
  5. Any student dismissed from the college on disciplinary grounds shall have the same mentioned in his/her Transfer Certificate.

  6. Name of the Student, who fails to deposit the fee even after first month of another quarter will be struck-off from the rolls of the school at the end of the first month of another quarter. However, such Students can seek readmission after clearing all the dues with an additional payment as a re-admission fee of Rs. 5000/- (Allowed only once in an academic session)

Attendance is compulsory for all assessments held during the year, failing which the student will be marked a zero. Consideration, if any, will be only on genuine medical grounds at the sole discretion of the Head of School; after the parents personally meet and submit an application with the photocopies of all relevant medical documents, on the day of the assessment at school of ice (during working hour).

A minimum attendance record of 90% of the total number of working days in each term/unit is compulsory. In the eventuality of a student missing classes due to health reasons, school will have the sole discretion in deciding a waiver, if any. But even on medical grounds, absence beyond 25% of working days will not be accepted.

There is no provision for reassessing students, who remain absent on the day of the assessment, or those who have failed in one or more subjects.

Request for change in assessment dates or timings will not be entertained.

Students reporting late for assessment will not be given any extra time for answering the question papers.

Unfair Means: Students found using any unfair means during assessments, will be awarded a zero in that subject. Parents and the concerned student will be called for a dialogue with school authorities. A repeat of such action in future will result in the prompt issue of a Transfer Certificate, without notice.

The evaluated answer scripts of Tests & Exam will be distributed to students within 10 days of the date of the assessment. Errors in evaluation, such as mistakes in the total, unmarked answers, etc., must be brought to the notice of the concerned teachers on the same day itself. delaying this for even one day may result in ignoring the same while preparing the final result.

Requests for the issue of Progress Report before the declaration of annual results will not be entertained.

A duplicate of Report Card (if lost/damaged) shall be issued on a payment of Rs. 500/-.

Classes Nursery to VIII: No child is detained. Results are prepared on the basis of rules framed by CBSE. However, attendance less than optimal level of mandatory attendance and inability to cope with the syllabus resulting in low grades in assessments may result in detention in the same class, after mutual consent of the parents and school authorities. It is mandatory for every student to appear in all assessments prescribed by school for the particular class.

Class IX: For promotion to the next higher class, it is mandatory for the student to appear for all the formal assessments, score at least 33% marks in all examinable subjects and in aggregate, and have an optimal level of mandatory attendance.

Class X: As per the CBSE Promotion Policy.

Class XI: For promotion to the next higher class, it is mandatory for the student to appear for all the formal assessments, score at least 33% marks in all examinable subjects in Annual examination as well as in aggregate, separately in both Theory and Practical assessments, and have an optimal level of mandatory attendance.

Class XII: As per the CBSE Promotion Policy.


On the basis of the students’ performance in assessment/assignments and examination, the following awards or certificates will be bestowed:


For Classes IV-X: Will be awarded subject wise to the student who has secured 90% and above in individual subjects in all the term assessments and more than 90% attendance in the session.

For Classes XI & XII: Will be awarded to the student who has scored above 85%in individual examinable subjects in the annual consolidated results and more than 90% attendance in the session.


Students with 100% attendance will be awarded with a Badge of Distinction.

Homework is a constructive tool in the teaching/learning process, geared to the needs and abilities of the students, for the reinforcement of matter learned in school. It is also intended to help the students develop independent study habits.

As a policy, no homework is given till class I. However, some reinforcement worksheets may be given. School tries to assign interesting homework based on the matter that has been covered in school and distribute it uniformly among various subjects per week.

Students should try and do their homework entirely on their own, without the help of their parents. They should develop a regular homework routine, keep their parents informed with respect to homework assignments and show them the finished work.

Students should:

-Ensure that they are prepared with whatever stationery supplies are needed for homework.

-Inform their parents if any extra material is needed for projects and other such home assignments, so that these can be acquired without inconvenience.

-Have an appropriate environment at home for quiet study without disruption.

-Earmark a regular block of time for homework. If no homework is assigned, they should maintain the routine, by reviewing class work or reading a book during the time assigned for homework.

-Ensure that their homework assignments are completed on time and that all supporting books and materials are carried back to school.

-Ask their parents, on a daily basis, to review their homework tasks, show them the completed work and ensure that the parents sign notes in the Almanac.

Students must wear their uniform with pride and ensure that they look neat, tidy and presentable at all times. I-Card for all the students and hair band for girls are integral parts of the uniform and must be worn at all times.

Students must always come to school in neat and clean uniform, also during the practical and special classes.

Students are required to attend all school function/activities, Open House, in or outside school in school uniform only.

Students who are not in complete/neat and tidy uniform can be debarred from boarding the bus/entering school.

Students are not supposed to wear sports uniform on days of examination, or any scholastic/ co-scholastic even.

School Belt is mandatory for all the students.

Each student is supposed to carry a clean handkerchief to school every day without fail.

Repeated offence in this regard will incur disciplinary action.

Students of classes XI-XII are required to wear white lab aprons during Science Practical’s and laboratory activities.

Students are not allowed to apply henna. They are also not allowed to wear rings on ears or fingers or nose. However, a pair of small ear studs is permitted for girls.

Girls with long hair should plait their hair. It is mandatory for girls to wear hair bands in school campus, inside the bus as well as outside school campus while representing school.

Colouring, bleaching or highlighting of hair is not permitted.

Body piercing and tattooing of any sort is strictly forbidden for the students. Sikh boys of all classes must wear grey patka/turbans as prescribed by the school.

Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals and ensure that it remains combed and tidy.

Ornaments of any kind, including bracelets, nose pins, rings on fingers, or elaborate earrings/ear studs of precious metal/jewels are not allowed, the only exception for girls is a pair of small ear studs. Violation of this rule will result in confiscation and/or suspension.

Non-compliance of aforementioned rules will result in disciplinary action and repeated offence will result in suspension for a week.

The school discipline system is based on the premise that there are consequences for actions. It endeavours to be consistent and fair. For the school community to operate as a safe learning environment where all strive for personal excellence, it is important that clear boundaries are established. While rewards are for motivating the students to sustain good actions and consistently strive for better behaviour and efforts, reprimands are given in order to check undesired actions on the part of the wrong-doer and to deter other students from doing the same.


The following disciplinary measures may be adopted by school in dealing with the students who behave in an unruly manner–

1. Verbal warning and counselling

2. Written warning

3. Detention during the break, or for the whole day

4. Suspension (ranging from 7 to 30 days)

5. Rustication

6. Withdrawal of transport facility for improper behaviour in school bus. In such cases, parents will be responsible for their ward’s pick and drop to school.

It is expected from all Students that they maintain a very cordial relation with the teaching/non-teaching/housekeeping/transport staff of school. Students are not expected to get into arguments with the staff. In case of complaints, they must approach the Head of School.

Misbehaving in class with peers/teachers and bullying peers/ juniors may result in suspension from school for a month or even expulsion without notice. Students found to deface/cause damage to school property shall be suspended/expelled from school in addition to levy of heavy fine (equivalent to the cost of damage for sports equipment; twice the cost of damage for lab equipment; and five times the cost of any other damaged property).

Weapons or sharp instruments, such as blades, knives etc are not allowed in school premises. Only scissors with rounded edges used for Art & Craft activities may be brought to school.

Students are forbidden from bringing cosmetics, combs, perfumes, deodorants, etc., to school.

Students are not allowed to bring ink whitener pens or correction fluids to school.

Will be conduct from time to time, expenses excluding of school fees.

School undertakes to take the utmost care, however any unforeseen incident, accident etc. will not be the responsibility of the school.


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