
Parents Role

As a parent, you play a vital role in your child’s education. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. You set the foundation for your child’s learning, and you provide the support that your child needs to succeed in school and in life.

support your child’s education by

Helping your child develop a love of learning.

Encouraging your child to be curious and to ask questions.

Helping your child to develop a positive attitude towards school and learning.

Helping your child to develop good study habits.

Talking to your child’s teacher, and staying informed about your child’s progress in school.

Safety &
Health First

The safety and health of children are of utmost importance for parents, caregivers, and educators alike. Children are naturally curious and adventurous, which can put them at risk of accidents, injuries, and illnesses. Therefore, it is essential to create a safe and healthy environment for children to grow, learn, and play in.

Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands is a simple and effective way to protect yourself and others from illnesses and infections. By removing germs and bacteria that can make you sick, regular handwashing can help you stay healthy and prevent the spread of diseases to those around you.

Wear a Mask

By covering your nose and mouth, masks prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that can carry viruses and bacteria. With the ongoing pandemic and the emergence of new variants, wearing a mask has become more crucial than ever.

Daily Yoga

Through the practice of yoga, students can develop the skills and tools to help them navigate the challenges of school and life with greater ease and resilience.

School Timings

All important information from school shall be communicated through school website/e-mail/SMS. You may contact school through e-mails to [email protected]

School Timings are subject to change on government orders and on decision of School Authority.

Office Hours

7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

7:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m. (Saturday)

School Hours

Nursery to Class V - 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

School Clubs

All important information from school shall be communicated through school website/e-mail/SMS. You may contact school through e-mails to [email protected].

School House System

Students are divided into 4 Houses to learn about teamwork, fair play, and how to handle success and failure.


School Activities

Science Experiments

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Science Experiments

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(Common Question)

Looking for more information in a concise manner? Read commonly asked questions in our FAQ section. Send us an email or call us if you still have queries.

  1. No pupil will be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.
  2. Students from U.P. Board seeking admission for classes VI and above must have their Transfer Certificates, countersigned by education authorities.
  3. The Transfer Certificate of a pupil coming from outside Uttar Pradesh must be countersigned by proper authorities irrespective of the class into which admission is sought.
  4. A pupil seeking admission must produce his Date of Birth Certificate issued by the municipal authorities along with his Transfer Certificate.
  5. Admission is given on the basis of Entrance Test and on the availability of seats.
  6. Irrespective of the time of admission, fee will be charged from the beginning of the academic session.
  7.  No pupil will be admitted in any class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him to be qualified, nor will he be granted out of turn promotions.

Students are ambassadors of ARYAVEDANT

  1.  Students must wear the School Uniform and be neatly dressed on each single day
  2. They must be punctual, courteous, helpful and disciplined in and outside School.
  3. Students should carry their ALMANAC to the school every day with his/her photograph duly pasted and the student person record should be signed by the parents.
  4. They should show respect for school property and take care not to damage it in anyway. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the school authorities.
  5. Students are encouraged to speak in English while in the school Campus & in the Bus.
  6. Nail polish, expensive jewelry, mehndi, tattoos and fancy bands are not permitted in School.
  7. No bullying, beating or using abusive language of any sort will be tolerated.
  8. Tablets or other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed in School. (Unless specifically required by Teachers for presentations etc, for which prior written permission of the Teacher concerned is required.)
  9. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during School hours without an Out pass signed by the Class Teacher/Vice Principal.
  10. No books (other than textbook or library books), magazines or papers should be brought to school.
  11. Students should treat the Teacher and the non-teaching staff with respect.
  12. Students must obey the school rules. Disciplinary action will be taken for any objectionable conduct in and outside school.
  13. Office bearers (council members/house appointments/monitor) will wear their respected badges daily.
  14. No students will be allowed to leave the school premises within school hours and on test/exam days. In case of absence on any ground retest will not be conducted.
  1. The Parents are expected to support the Principal, Teachers and administrative staff for the decisions taken by them in the best interests of their Child. Must ensure that your child comes to school on time and is smartly dressed in proper school uniform.
  2. Maintain an atmosphere at home in which your Child can do quality Home Study and complete School assignments etc.
  3. Private tuitions are discouraged by the school. No Student will take coaching from the Teachers of AVPS.
  4. Pay the School Fees before the due date in order to avoid fines and the inconvenience caused both for you and us.
  5. Suggestions/Complaints, if any can be made to the principal on all working Saturdays during School hours with prior appointment from the School Reception.
  6. A special meeting with a teacher can only be arranged with prior intimation and permission from the reception.
  7. Absence for six consecutive days without an application renders a student’s liable to having his name struck off the rolls without any notice. Re-admission may be granted after payment of fresh admission fees on the direction of the principal.
  8. Please attend all PTMs as well as the other School Functions regularly and punctually.
  9. The school reserves the right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against the student whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  10. Parents are expected to have courteous and supportive behaviour towards School.
  11. Once a child has come to school, he/she should not be asked to go on half day or to take leave from any period, unless there is an emergency and only authorized person will be allowed to take the child home.
  12. The lunchbox should be sent with the students.

  13. NOTE: In order to allow the school to run in a disciplined manner, ask your child to be energetic, dynamic and well dressed. In case your child is not able to come to School for any reason do not forget to put a message via Email or ERP.
  1. Be punctual and regular.
  2. Converse in English all the times.
  3. Keep your classroom neat and clean.
  4. Maintain discipline all the time and don’t move out of the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
  5. Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently.
  6. Eat your tiffin in the classroom during lunch break. A napkin, table mat, spoon/fork should be brought daily.
  7. Refrain from indiscipline in the corridors or classrooms.
  8. Contribute to the soft board and class displays.
  9. Bring books and notebooks according to the timetable.
  10. All notebooks and books should be neatly labelled and covered. Only prescribed notebooks to be used.
  11. Notebook work should be neat. Only HB pencils/gel pens/ink pens to be used. Whiteners and mechanical pencils are not permitted.
  12. Handouts to be pasted in the notebooks, as instructed.
  13. Make sure to complete the work missed due to absence.

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